Online Orders are accepted 24/7!
Place an advanced order!
We are delivery experts! Let us bring your order right to your home or office fast and hot, usually within 60 minutes of your confirmed order. After your order is placed, you will be provided an estimated delivery time. Our delivery expert will arrive 15 minutes before or after your estimated delivery time.
Modifications and substitutions outside of allergies/intolerances will be politely declined. These requests often compromise the uniqueness of our food and the efficiency of our service. Special requests or additions are not guaranteed and may incur extra charges.
We make every effort to insure that the prices and items listed on our menus are up to date and correct. However, the prices and items listed on our website menus are NOT guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice.
main menu

Pepperoni • Sausage • Ham • Hamburger • Extra Cheese • Meatballs • Garlic • Onions • Broccoli • Mushrooms • Spinach • Green Peppers • Black Olives • Tomatoes • Pineapple • Anchovies
Artichokes • Bacon • Chicken • Jalapeños

Beer/Wine delivery must be paid ahead of time with credit card. The ID of the person purchasing beer/wine must match the ID of the person receiving the beer/wine upon delivery. All sales are final.
beer & wine
Do you wish we carried an item (wine/beer) that we don’t have listed? Call us! Ask for Nino and he can place an order for you.